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Our projects and solutions

Brief information about some of our projects we are participated in, successfully completed or still in action

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Research Project

Satellite monitoring for Improving Resilience to Transboundary Sand and Dust Storms (SDS) over Kuwait and Iraq

The service provided form our company is a part of bigger project under the aegis of UN-Habitat for improving cities resilience against the impact of sand and dust storms (SDS).  The aim of this service is to generate overall analysis of total SDS area, using operational remote sensing satellite monitoring for better understanding the soil structure and behaviour of the key areas, which generates dust during different periods of the year. This was realized by monthly reports focusing on the main biophysical parameters of the SDS area, such as vegetation cover, soil temperature, soil moisture, aerosol indexes, which are the main regional indicators of the restoration progress.

Research and Development Project

USSPs “Unmanned Semi-fixed Sea Platforms for Maritime Surveillance”

Our company is a member of consortium as a contributor in a project, that has been selected for funding from European Industrial Development Program (EDIDP) 2020. The project will improve Maritime Surveillance by developing the backbone of an advance C5ISTAR federated system of systems exploiting unmanned semi-fixed platforms at sea. USSPs will integrate legacy assets and systems with innovative solutions, aiming to improve maritime surveillance capabilities, reduce high value asset utilization and mission related costs, and provide cross-domain persistent and permanent maritime situational awareness. Our contribution to the project is to develop OGC Server based solution to deliver OSINT and GEOINT data to C5ISTAR systems.     

Software Development Project

Satellite imagery database platform for environmental daily reports

Custom developed software solution, which fuses multiple satellite imagery data from several satellite open-data centers currently available wordwide. The data are used   for environmental and disaster monitoring for the needs of Crisis Support Department in Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). The platform was awarded as innovative methodology for real-time satellite data analysis on Innotech Expo 2018 in Taipe, Taiwan.

Software Development Project

Software for management and control of satellite ground station in Persian Gulf

Our company was invited to participate in a project in Persian Gulf form the local Regoinal Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME). The project was under the aegis of GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) for development and integration of remote sensing unit for receiving satellite images over the Gulf region. Our contribution was to develop software algorithms for satellite data management, control and image processing.     

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